Explore the Beauty of Quran

Quran Tutor Online

Male Teachers

For different courses to meet their learning objectives, we have qualified Quran tutor online. So it is a crucial moment to manage highly responsive and qualified teachers. Quran courses are taught by qualified teachers who are devoted to their craft and successfully engage with children. Kids can learn the Quran online with the Quran guide online network interactive resources and innovative teaching techniques. These educators are flexible and adaptive; they use interactive exercises to maintain students’ motivation.

Meet Our Team!

Our Dedicated and Qualified Male Teachers

Safi Ur Rehman

Language : English & Urdu
Experience : 03 Years

Uzair Ahmed Sidiqui

Language : Arabic & Urdu & English
Experience : 04 Years

Hafiz Tua'seen Hafeez

Language : Urdu & English
Experience : 04 Years

Lesson planning and fee table

Our strategy of lesson planning and fee packaging is given in tabular form to make your vision clear. let’s have a glance at the following table

Lesson Plan
For 2nd Sibling
5 Lessons/Week
20 Lessons in Month
£ 48 /Month
£ 38 /Month
4 Lessons/Week
16 Lessons in Month
£ 40 /Month
£ 32 /Month
3 Lessons/Week
12 Lessons in Month
£ 32 /Month
£ 26 /Month
2 Lessons/Week
08 Lessons in Month
£ 24 /Month
£ 19 /Month
Lesson Plan
For 2nd Sibling
5 Lessons/Week
20 Lessons in Month
$ 74 /Month
$ 60 /Month
4 Lessons/Week
16 Lessons in Month
$ 62 /Month
$ 50 /Month
3 Lessons/Week
12 Lessons in Month
$ 50 /Month
$ 40 /Month
2 Lessons/Week
08 Lessons in Month
$ 37 /Month
$ 30 /Month
Lesson Plan
For 2nd Sibling
5 Lessons/Week
20 Lessons in Month
€ 56 /Month
€ 45 /Month
4 Lessons/Week
16 Lessons in Month
€ 47 /Month
€ 38 /Month
3 Lessons/Week
12 Lessons in Month
€ 38 /Month
€ 30 /Month
2 Lessons/Week
08 Lessons in Month
€ 28 /Month
€ 22 /Month
Lesson Plan
For 2nd Sibling
5 Lessons/Week
20 Lessons in Month
A$ 90 /Month
A$ 72 /Month
4 Lessons/Week
16 Lessons in Month
A$ 75 /Month
A$ 60 /Month
3 Lessons/Week
12 Lessons in Month
A$ 60 /Month
A$ 48 /Month
2 Lessons/Week
08 Lessons in Month
A$ 45 /Month
A$ 36 /Month
Lesson Plan
For 2nd Sibling
5 Lessons/Week
20 Lessons in Month
درهم‎ 240 /Month
درهم‎ 192 /Month
4 Lessons/Week
16 Lessons in Month
درهم‎ 200 /Month
درهم‎ 160 /Month
3 Lessons/Week
12 Lessons in Month
درهم‎ 160 /Month
درهم‎ 128 /Month
2 Lessons/Week
08 Lessons in Month
درهم‎ 120 /Month
درهم‎ 96 /Month